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Weight Loss With Dr Elaine Ryan | Weight Management Program 1.2
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★ A fundamental part of successful weight loss has to do with how you think ★
How you talk to yourself, about what your body looks like, and the efforts you are making to try to lose weight, is at the heart of a successful weight loss program.
Dr Elaine Ryan, psychologist, is expert in understanding how our self talk can help or hinder us lose weight. What sets this program apart from others, is that it is written by a Doctor of Psychology, who is expert in understanding what will motivate us and what will stop us from succeeding. She ensures that you start managing your weight by having the correct mindset to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
★Your success is determined by your current mindset and the beliefs you hold about yourself. ★
If you repeatedly tell yourself that you will fail, that you will never lose weight, the chances are, that is exactly what will happen. Each time you start a new diet or plan to lose weight you may be telling yourself, well this won't work, or what's the point?
Most of us have an internal dialogue that doesn't belong with us such "you are fat", "you will fail". This internal dialogue is self defeating. This program is to help remove this defeatist self talk and replace it with more helpful beliefs that will motivate you to continue with your weight loss goals.
Research has also shown us that weight gain is also linked to stress levels. Cortisol, a stress hormone, can slow down your metabolism and lead to weight gain. Weight Loss with Dr Elaine Ryan also helps in managing stress levels and helps you meet your goals in two ways.
★ Managing Stress, and
★ Creating the correct Mindset.
Dr Elaine Ryan (psychologist) has written this program to help change your mindset to one that is conducive to tackling your "self talk." She uses suggestion techniques to help create an effective mindset to help you meet your weight loss goals. First she uses guided relaxation, before introducing the healthy mindset. You are at your most receptive and open to change when your body and mind are relaxed.
Elaine is a Chartered Psychologist with The British Psychological Society and a member of The Health Professions Council, she is also a Chartered Scientist. Prior to opening her own practice, Elaine worked in The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.
★ Written and narrated by a Doctor of Psychology
Weight Loss Audio to
1. replace self limiting beliefs with a healthy mindset geared towards meeting your
weight loss goals
2. Help manages stress which has been shown to be linked to weight gain
★ Choice of background music
★ Wake Up can be chosen at end of Audio
★ Motivational Flash Cards to encourage you to continue with your weight loss program.
★ Social media links where you can link in with Elaine to discuss your progress or seek
additional tips